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3. Invoke ebzip

Its usual way to invoke ebzip, ebunzip and ebzipinfo are as follows:

% ebzip book-path
% ebunzip book-path
% ebzipinfo book-path

book-path points to the top directory of a CD-ROM book where the file `catalog' or `catalogs' resides. ebzip compresses a book at book-path, ebunzip uncompresses a book at book-path, and ebzipinfo outputs information about a book at book-path.

Though you cannot specify two or more book-paths, you can omit book-path like as follows:

% ebzip
% ebunzip
% ebzipinfo

In this case, it is assumed that the current working directory (`.') is specified.

Since the commands don't support remote access, they reject remote access identifier.

% ebzip ebnet://localhost/cdrom
ebzip: ebnet is not supported

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