The Future Is Now

Introducing Tigerbrew

Some of you may know that my other gig is Homebrew, the package manager for Mac OS X. Over the last few months, I’ve been spending some time on a fork of Homebrew that’s starting to become usable enough that I think it’s ready to be announced.

When I was attending the AMIA1 conference in December, my partner and I were travelling together; while I was at the conference during the day, she worked from various places in Seattle on her laptop. Since it’s practically impossible to attend a modern conference without a laptop, and she uses a desktop at home, I dug out my 2005-era PowerBook G4 to take notes. It may be eight years old, but as soon as I opened it up I remembered why I loved that laptop so much. It’s still in great shape, and it feels like a crime to leave it sitting unused so much of the time.

It’s slow by modern standards, of course, but the thing really keeping it from being usable all the time is software. Apple’s left PowerPC behind as of Mac OS X Leopard2, and so have nearly all developers at this point. There are still a few developers carrying the torch (shoutouts to TenFourFox), but as a commandline junkie what I really need is an up-to-date shell[^2] and CLI software3. And as big Homebrew fan, as well as a developer, MacPorts just wasn’t going to cut it. Tigerbrew was born.

The first version of Tigerbrew was pulled together over an evening at the hotel after the first day of the conference, and I’ve been plugging away at it regularly since. At this point I’m proud to say that a significant number of packages build flawlessly,4 and thanks to some backports from newer versions of OS X5 Tigerbrew can supply a much more modern set of essential development tools than Apple provides.

Tigerbrew’s still very much an alpha, and there’s some more work needed until it’s mature, but at this point I consider it ready enough to announce to the world.6 If you have a PowerPC Mac yearning to be used again, why not give it a go?

  1. Association of Moving Image Archivists

  2. And many hardcore PowerPC users stick with their old Macs for OS 9 compatibility, which was last supported in Tiger.

  3. bash 2.5 doesn’t cut it.

  4. Even complex software with a lot of moving parts, like FFmpeg.

  5. I’m very indebted to the MacPorts developers, whose portfiles served as a reference for the buildsystems for several of these.

  6. Development’s been happening in the public for months, of course, and there are already a few other users out there.

PSA: Homebrew-digipres Repository Now Available!

Outside of archivy, I’m also a collaborator on Homebrew, the awesome, lightweight package manager for OS X. I’ve been building a private repository of niche packages which aren’t available in the core repository for some reason or another, and ended up collecting enough digital preservation tools to create a new digital preservation-focused repository. You can find the new homebrew-digipres here: I’d welcome any contributions if you want to improve an existing formula, submit updates, or add a new package! Fork away.

File ID Hackathon Debrief: FITS Handles Video Now!

I took part in the 24-hour file ID hackathon November 16th. It was a fantastic event, and between us the 15-ish participants got a lot of practical work done. You can read more about it and what was accomplished at the CURATEcamp wiki.

I spent most of my time working with video content and with FITS, the File Identification Tool Set. FITS is a useful tool, but it’s traditionally had some problems that have held it back from being as effective as it could for digital preservation. Aside from its performance, which is an issue that still needs to be addressed, its support for audio-visual material has been pretty poor. I addressed a couple of the more serious items:

Its embedded Exiftool was badly out of date

FITS bundles its own versions of the various tools it uses, rather than use the versions installed elsewhere on the machine. In theory this is a good idea; incompatibilities in the tools it uses could subtly break its output. In practice, however, it means that FITS has missed out on a lot of format identification improvements its tools have made. Before the hackathon FITS included exiftool 7.74, which was released in April, 2009. Back then exiftool had only rudimentary video support, but it’s made enormous strides in past several years and now has very robust video metadata extraction. The first thing I did in FITS was update the embedded exiftool to the current release. That alone has made a big difference in format detection.

In the future I think it would be best to rethink the policy of embedding tools rather than using external copies, or at least provide the option to use another version the user has installed. exiftool is updated once every week or two and changes rapidly. I doubt FITS will be updated that frequently. A better option might be to recommend specific known-good versions of tools, but allow the user the option of running whichever tool version they prefer.

Its metadata mapping for video formats was primitive

FITS uses XSLT to map metadata fields from their native tag names to its own vocabulary, but the list of tags used for video was very short compared to other formats. As a result, a lot of potentially useful information from exiftool’s output was being discarded. Based on videos in my collection which had extensive embedded metadata, I beefed up FITS’s mapping table to enable it to grab many more common tags.

While this made a good short-term solution, it made me think a bit more about how FITS approaches mapping fields. In particular,

  1. FITS has separate mappings for types such as “image”, “video”, “audio.” In practice, though, many of these formats use the exact same tags to mean the same things; this means either some mapping logic is duplicated, or certain fields are skipped for some files even though they’re mapped for others. After looking at practical examples of how FITS maps images and videos, I’m not convinced that treating them separately is practical.

  2. Beyond that, FITS uses file extension to determine whether a file is an image, video, etc. In practice many container file extensions can represent many kinds of files; extension is a pretty fragile way of determining type. If FITS keeps a distinction between file type mappings, it should move to using something like mimetype instead of extension.

Aside from my work improving FITS, I also submitted a set of Quicktime videos to the OpenPlanets Format Corpus on GitHub. The 61-video set covers almost every codec Apple ships with Quicktime and Final Cut Pro, and should be useful for anyone who wants to try to identify individual codec/container combinations. They’re available at:

I’ll end this off with some eye candy, to show how nicely FITS’s video support has improved.

Before. The video is detected only as “Unknown Binary” (this was sadly common for video), and no meaningful metadata is extracted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fits xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.6.1" timestamp="11/17/12 10:18 PM">
<identification status="UNKNOWN">
<identity format="Unknown Binary" mimetype="application/octet-stream" toolname="FITS" toolversion="0.6.1">
<tool toolname="Jhove" toolversion="1.5" />
<filepath toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">/Users/mistydemeo/Downloads/set1/00000.MTS</filepath>
<filename toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">/Users/mistydemeo/Downloads/set1/00000.MTS</filename>
<size toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">6039552</size>
<md5checksum toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">8c7c728334017a3ab4caff6e78b30037</md5checksum>
<fslastmodified toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">1261684470000</fslastmodified>
<filestatus />
<metadata />

After. Not only is the video format extracted, but a good 18 video tags are extracted.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fits xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="0.6.1" timestamp="11/17/12 10:20 PM">
<identification status="SINGLE_RESULT">
<identity format="M2TS" mimetype="video/m2ts" toolname="FITS" toolversion="0.6.1">
<tool toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" />
<lastmodified toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">2009:12:24 13:54:36-06:00</lastmodified>
<filepath toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">/Users/mistydemeo/Downloads/set1/00001.MTS</filepath>
<filename toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">/Users/mistydemeo/Downloads/set1/00001.MTS</filename>
<size toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">4552704</size>
<md5checksum toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">770fd667d68ca8e6509670b0ef50e61c</md5checksum>
<fslastmodified toolname="OIS File Information" toolversion="0.1" status="SINGLE_RESULT">1261684476000</fslastmodified>
<filestatus />
<digitalCameraManufacturer toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">Sony</digitalCameraManufacturer>
<digitalCameraModelName toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">HXR-NX5U</digitalCameraModelName>
<duration toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">0.09 s</duration>
<imageWidth toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">1920</imageWidth>
<imageHeight toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">1080</imageHeight>
<videoStreamType toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">DigiCipher II Video</videoStreamType>
<shutterSpeedValue toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">1/60</shutterSpeedValue>
<apertureSetting toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">Auto</apertureSetting>
<fNumber toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">3.7</fNumber>
<gain toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">-3 dB</gain>
<exposureTime toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">1/60</exposureTime>
<exposureProgram toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">Manual</exposureProgram>
<whiteBalance toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">Daylight</whiteBalance>
<imageStabilization toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">On (0x3f)</imageStabilization>
<focus toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">Manual (2.3)</focus>
<gpsVersionID toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT"></gpsVersionID>
<gpsStatus toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">V</gpsStatus>
<gpsMapDatum toolname="Exiftool" toolversion="9.05" status="SINGLE_RESULT">WGS-84</gpsMapDatum>

Revisiting Archival Description – LOD-LAM Session Idea

Apologies for the brevity of this blog post – I’m keeping this brief to make sure I get it posted before LOD-LAM.

So, archival description.

Archival records are hard to find. They’re often in large bodies of records, difficult to browse through and generally less cut-and-dry than publications which are intended for formal publication and/or public consumption. Archival finding aids are the researcher’s traditional first point of contact, providing background biographical information on the organization and/or personal creator(s), as well as a description of how the records are arranged and description of the various levels of organizational hierarchy. They’re useful!

But they’re also a bit old-fashioned, at least as typically implemented. The finding aid structure imposes a few issues for linked open data applications.

I see two[^1] major problems with current archival description:

They’re hierarchical

Most countries’ archival description standards are based on a strict hierarchy from higher levels of description (fonds, etc.) to more precise levels of description (series, sub-series, file, item) with fairly rigidly prescribed relationships between items. The finding aid also assumes a “paper” whole-body approach, rather than a linking approach. This is kind of non-webby, and imposes a stricter order on documents than their creators may have had, in many cases.

(The Australians, of course, are a few steps ahead of the rest of us already.)

Perhaps even more though, a major problem is that:

They’re imprecise.

This is the real issue, or at least the most immediate issue. Archival descriptions are designed for human eyes in a paper world, and so they’re often encoded with a level of ambiguity that’s difficult for machines to extract. (LOCAH has been doing a great job of identifying points of concern and trying to route around them.)

Archival descriptions have some inherent ambiguity because interpretation of archival holdings is not always cut and dry, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be ambiguous in how we create those descriptions. We can be precise about the ways in which our collections are ambiguous.

I’d love to get a conversation going about revising descriptive standards to enhance precision in finding aids in order to enhance the ability to use them as computer-readable metadata. I can see a number of areas for improvement:

  • More strongly-typed data fields, rather than “fuzzy” fields that can hold a variety of types of subjectively-defined data
  • More focus on “globally-scoped” names rather than “locally scoped” (as pointed out by Pete@LOCAH here)
  • A stricter, clearer inheritance model rather than ISAD(G)’s rule of non-repetition (Thanks to Pete again)
  • Certainly more, which we can talk about at LOD-LAM!

The extent to which all this can be implemented will depend on the organization, of course – retrofitting older archival descriptions for all of this would be time-consuming, if practical at all. But I think there are a lot of benefits to be gained by changing practices going forward, and I see this as an enhancement to current descriptive standards/practices that can benefit more than just linked open data applications.